Monday, 19 October 2015

Question 1. What I have learnt during the making of my preliminary task?

Technical aspects:
  • I learnt how to set up a tripod by extending the legs and locking them into place making sure it is stable enough to film without it collapsing.
  • I also learnt how to attach the camera to the tripod by using a tripod plate and camera point so the camera remained stable and would not fall out and break.
  • I also learned how to use premier pro. For instance I learnt how to cut scenes so we could rid of parts of the film we did not need. I also learnt how to add music from mix-craft, title slides and change the colour gradient.
  • Finally I learnt the different physical parts of the tripod and how to use them. Such as the arm which is used to make a movement shot for example at the end of my film when 180 degree rule is used to show the interviewer.

Time management:
  • As a group I think we had excellent time management. I think this because we planned out before each lesson what we would do and even recognised that we needed to do some extra filming so organized when we would and filmed it.
  • We also managed our time so we had enough time to edit the film so there was continuity and it flowed.
Group work:
  • I think that me and Tammy worked well as a group because we accepted each others opinions and worked well together creatively, especially during the editing stage when we would have to agree upon something. During the filming we took turns of who was in control of the camera. For instance when I was in the scene Tammy would film and when she was in the scene I would film. 
  • We did a storyboard to help us plan the general narrative of the film and to organize when we would use the camera angles needed such as match on action and shot/reverse shot. This was helpful because it helped us decide on how the camera would be placed in the sequence of the things happening in the scene and how we would organize it. However we did change the narrative a bit while filming to make the scene more affective. For instance we made it so the interviewee became angry and stormed out rather than just staying calm and saying a general apology to the interviewer.  
Issues around continuity:

  • We did not have much problems with continuity because we organized which days we would be filming so we would know when to dress in the same clothes. However there was a problem with having a laptop trolley in our room on the beginning day of filming and then on the other not one. But we tried our best to keep it out of shot to make the surroundings were the same. We also noted that on the first day the blinds were mainly closed so we made sure to make them the same on the other days we filmed. 

Thanks for reading. 
