Thursday, 24 March 2016

After Effects on Bertie's face

I watched a couple of videos on Youtube on how to make Bertie's face turn into a devilish creature. This was a lot easier than having devil eyes throughout. I did this myself on after effects and spent hours during school time and after school hours doing it.

Here was the end product:

Here are the videos I watched:

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Research and planning for black eyes

I watched multiple YouTube videos about how to make an actors eyes black in after affects. However, it was too complex so I decided that we would use a shot which the natural lighting made his eyes look black. Another reason is also because I did not want to make a bad job of the eyes and therefore ruin the effect it would create. Although I made this decision I will still show all the planning I did when I was trying to do it.

The YouTube videos I watched were:

Here are the notes I made:

Planning sheet page 1

Planning sheet page 2
Planning sheet page 3 part 1
Planning sheet page 3 part 2

Planning sheet page 4

Monday, 14 March 2016

A Soul's Redemption filming process with clips

A Soul's Redemption filming process - Video Dailymotion

Hover your cursor over the writing above and click on it. This will redirect you to a video of the filming process and extra information about each clip. Including what I learnt from the experience.

Saturday, 5 March 2016

Poster for A Soul's Redemption

A Soul's Redemption Poster

I have made a poster for A Soul's Redemption and have put information that I think is relevant on it. I have put the Tagline that I thought of when we were making the one page pitch which was "Even the kindest of hearts can be tainted". This gives the audience the idea of good vs evil which is using Barthes code of oppositions. The reason I think this is because it shows how powerful someone's dark side can take over them and cause their pure heart never to be the same again. Another thing I put on the poster which I thought of was "A battle you can't escape". This is because it is mental and there is no way of escaping your own mind. However, a person who has yet to watch the movie may become curious to what this means which will drive them to watch it. 

In addition, I used the colours black and pale brown to get the general mood of the film across. The colour black people is known to symbolise mystery and the unknowing. But the colour black also known to represent that things are hidden and not in the limelight meaning the struggle to show ones true feelings. This links to black giving off negative energy. This relates to our film because our main character is hiding away not wanting to be seen and throughout the film shows distress along side having to grieve the loss of his family. Also, as shown in the film having to accept the help of a family friend and not push them away. This means he has to tell them what he has been keeping a secret. While the colour brown symbolises nature which links to our film being set in a wood. 

Moreover, I chose to put two pictures of the main character on the poster because he is the centre of the whole film. When choosing the pictures to use I decided to do one with his normal human eyes and another with devil eyes. I chose to do this to show contrast between Bertie's good side and evil side. Otherwise, it may of not been clear to the audience. As well as it made the poster more scary and put the genre of the film across clearly. To edit the eyes I used a photo edit website called ribbet. I used a brush to go over the eyes in black and changed it's thickness after fully colouring it in to get the outline of the eyes smoother. Then I changed the thickness of the brush to 5 and the colour to white to add a white dot. This makes it looks like he has actual back eyes rather than no eyes at all. 

Another thing which I have made sure to put across on the poster is the narrative and the mise-en-scene. The is shown in the pictures I have used which indicates that it is set in a wood. This is common in thriller films and used a lot. The reason for this is because it is a mysterious place and somewhere which is easy to get lost meaning many hidden dangers. While the narrative is shown slightly through the pictures because one shows a young boy looking alone with no emotion. While the other shows a pair of worried eyes but shown as the devil. This shows how the devil is in control but the boy is still within the body wanting help. This proven by his facial expression which shows a scared and worried look.  

Furthermore, another thing that I put on the poster was the release date. The reason for this is because the whole point of a poster is to advertise our film. This means that the date is a crucial part of it because otherwise the people looking at it won't have any idea to whether it is released yet or if it came out a while ago meaning they may need to wait until it comes out on DVD. 

Finally, the reason I have created this poster is because it promotes our film and is easy to put in places both inside and outside. For example, on high streets, high traffic areas, bus stops, inside shopping centres and shops It could also be shown in newspapers and magaznes. Therefore, more people will see it.This shows good use of marketing because posters build the anticipation of the film, reach a wide audience and inform the audience on the narrative.  


Thursday, 3 March 2016

Trailer for A Soul's Redemption

Trailer for A Soul's Redemption from Elsie Williamson on Vimeo.

I have made a short trailer for our film with Widows Movie Maker. The reason I have done this is because it lets the audience get a glimpse to what the film is really about. I think it will help market our film because cinema companies may watch it and be interested.  This may lead to them wanting to show it at their cinemas. While it will help distribute the film because by watching a trailer more people will be interested in it. We can also upload the trailer to a wide range of social media such as Youtube, Vimeo and even Facebook to bring in the attention of more people. Our trailer could also be shown on the big screen to a captive audience and also be put at the front of DVD's of the same genre to boost the amount of people seeing the trailer. Therefore, our film will be spoken about through social media which could mean people from all around the world seeing our thriller film trailer, sharing their opinions.

Most of the footage I used was from the day I went out alone with the actor and then decided that for  the actual opening there was better footage. Although this is not clear because I neatly edited them and cut the bits which were not very good. I am now glad that I fimed extra shots because it enabled me to create this trailer. This is the background music I used: and the beginning violin sound clip is my own work because it is my brother playing the violin (the actor). I also had his full consent to use the clip of when he was younger. I put this in black and white to show that it was a flashback but also to make the film seem more realistic because it is the actual actor as a happy young child. Therefore, it makes the following shot more effective because it shows him upset and distressed. This shows how much he has changed since becoming possessed by the devil.  

When I showed this to the rest of my group we decided to not put our names in.The reason for this is because in trailers they usually only advertise the actors. However, are roles have changed to what we originally put them out to be. Connor is the cameraman, Annabel is the editor and I am the writer and director.  

Wednesday, 2 March 2016

A Soul's Redemption newspaper article

Today I wrote the newspaper article that will appear at the beginning of our opening. This will inform the audience to what has already happened. However, it will only be a quick glimpse the main focus being the picture of Bertie and the title. The reason for this is because they will find out more as the film goes on and this is only the opening 2 minutes. If you would like to read the article play the video below and pause at each image to read. However, the first picture just shows the page in all in one so is not very clear.